Challenge n°183

Cette semaine, c’était la rentrée… et du coup, j’ai eu beaucoup moins de temps que d’habitude pour faire ma proposition au challenge de la diva! Mais j’y suis arrivée!!!

Cette semaine, la diva nous proposait d’utiliser le tangle X-did, d’Annette Carlo. Au départ, je dois bien l’avouer, j’ai douté de pouvoir en faire quoi que ce soit… mais j’ai envie d’aller plus loin que ma zone de confort, de me confronter à de nouvelles expériences, et si X-did était loin de ce que j’ai l’habitude de faire, soit! Pourquoi ne pas tenter???

voici donc ma proposition. Pas de version en noir et blanc, j’ai complètement zappé, et puis ça ne ferait pas un bon coloriage pour la gaufrette, beaucoup trop…. chargé.

This week was back to school week. As a school teacher it’s one of the most exhausting week of the year… As I teach 2 levels at once (don’t ask, french national education ‘logic’ is….. well…… i teach 2 levels at the same time, alone in front of 25 kids of 1st and 2nd grade… And I am supposed to bring them to the same point they would go in single level (weirdly, most of the time, my pupils do….. ) ), and after a 6 months leave (because of my daughter’s medical situation), i thought I would never do it…. Plus X-did is really far from my confort zone…. anyway, I made it!! I could do a tile, and I am pretty happy with it. it’s only a colored one though, I didn’t scan it when it was only black and white… because I thought it wouldn’t be a good coloring tile for E. and mostly because I completely forgot about scanning before i was half way with the coloring…..

challenge 183 445x496

9 réflexions sur “Challenge n°183

  1. Cesame, this is just amazing !! I never would have guess that this was not in your comfort zone, because the outcome of your tile looks so peaceful!!!! It’s so soft and so well laid out! Beautiful outcome!!! Thank you for giving it a try!! :0) Have a great weekend! Annette Share Humanity


    • Thank you! And thank you to share this tangle with us. It was fun and full of possibilities! My confort zone is really narrow as I am a beginner… but I love being pushed further!! So thank you again, for both your tangle and your nice comment!


  2. nice versions ox X-Did. As a teacher myself (although on medical leave) I sympathise with the first weeks of school – I’ve taught more than one level myself and it isn’t easy. Well done on all fronts.


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